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15 Dog Breeds That Are Actually Furry Philosophers

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| September 10, 2024

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Dogs are often praised for their loyalty and intelligence, but some breeds possess a calm, introspective side that gives them a philosophical air. With their thoughtful expressions, tranquil demeanor, and deep understanding of human emotions, these dogs embody the qualities of true thinkers. Their patient gaze and quiet observation make them seem like old souls wrapped in fur. If you’re seeking a companion that brings a sense of wisdom and reflection into your life, these breeds could be your perfect four-legged philosopher.

Basset Hound


Basset Hounds are well-known for their soulful eyes and slow, contemplative nature. Their droopy faces often give them the appearance of being deep in thought, and their calm demeanor only adds to this image. While they are great at sniffing out trails, they also seem to have a quiet, philosophical way of observing the world around them. Basset Hounds are content to lounge and reflect, offering their owners a sense of peace and tranquility. With their steady gaze and thoughtful expressions, it’s easy to imagine a Basset Hound pondering life’s greatest mysteries.

Great Pyrenees

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The Great Pyrenees is a natural guardian, often watching over their territory with a quiet, noble air. These dogs exude patience and wisdom, remaining calm even in the face of chaos. Their calm presence and protective instincts give them an almost philosophical approach to life, as they seem to silently contemplate their surroundings before making a move. The Great Pyrenees is a breed that values both solitude and purpose, offering their owners a sense of peace and assurance, much like a thoughtful mentor.

Shih Tzu


Despite their small size, Shih Tzus have an ancient, almost regal presence. Historically bred for companionship among Chinese royalty, these dogs are often seen sitting quietly, observing their surroundings with a serene and patient demeanor. Their long, flowing coats and calm expressions add to their philosophical air as if they are pondering the deeper meanings of life from their cozy throne. Shih Tzus enjoy their time in peaceful environments, making them perfect companions for people who appreciate quiet reflection.

Afghan Hound


Afghan Hounds are elegant and aloof, often regarded as the “thinkers” of the dog world. Their regal appearance and distant, observant nature give them an air of mystery and wisdom. They are independent dogs that seem to march to the beat of their own drum, often retreating into their own world for quiet contemplation. Afghan Hounds don’t demand constant attention, making them seem like solitary philosophers, content with their own company and thoughts.



Newfoundlands are known for their gentle giant nature, always calm and serene, even during chaos. Their tranquil demeanor and thoughtful eyes give them an air of quiet wisdom, as though they’ve seen it all and are not easily fazed. Newfoundlands are often described as “old souls,” patiently watching the world go by with a deep understanding of human emotions. Their calm presence makes them excellent companions for those seeking peace and balance.

Tibetan Mastiff


Tibetan Mastiffs have a long history as guard dogs in the Himalayas, and their stoic, watchful nature speaks volumes. These dogs seem to hold ancient wisdom in their eyes, always alert but calm in the face of any situation. Their independence and natural aloofness only add to their philosophical air as they evaluate their surroundings, making calculated decisions silently when necessary. Tibetan Mastiffs are guardians of both home and soul, offering quiet companionship without needing constant affection.

Scottish Deerhound


Scottish Deerhounds are graceful and dignified, with a quiet, thoughtful nature that makes them seem like the philosophers of the dog world. They enjoy solitude and often rest quietly, observing the world with calm curiosity. Deerhounds are independent thinkers who appreciate their space but are loyal companions when called upon. Their serene presence and patient demeanor make them the perfect furry philosopher for anyone who values peace and introspection.



Salukis are known for their grace and elegance, but their quiet, introspective nature is what truly sets them apart. These dogs are independent and prefer to observe their surroundings rather than seek constant interaction. Their calm, thoughtful expressions suggest a deep inner world, as though they’re contemplating life’s great mysteries. Salukis are content with long quiet periods, making them perfect companions for those who appreciate a more reflective and philosophical presence.

Lhasa Apso


Lhasa Apsos were originally bred as watchdogs in Tibetan monasteries, and their serene, watchful nature has carried through the centuries. These small dogs have a calm, thoughtful demeanor and seem deep in contemplation as they quietly observe their surroundings. Lhasa Apsos are known for their independence and ability to stay calm under pressure, traits that give them a wise, almost philosophical air. They enjoy peaceful environments where they can sit back and reflect, making them ideal companions for those who appreciate a more mindful way of life.


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Borzoi is graceful and elegant, often appearing aloof and introspective. Their quiet demeanor and gentle nature make them seem like thoughtful philosophers, content to sit back and watch the world go by. Borzois are independent and enjoy solitude, often retreating into their own thoughts. They don’t seek constant attention, but their calm presence is always comforting. Borzois are the kind of dogs that seem to understand the world deeply, making them perfect companions for those who appreciate a more reflective atmosphere.



The Basenji, often called the “barkless dog,” has a quiet, almost meditative presence. While they are known for their energy and hunting prowess, they also have a contemplative side, sitting quietly and observing the world with sharp, intelligent eyes. Their independence and reserved nature make them seem like canine philosophers, quietly analyzing their surroundings. Basenjis are not overly affectionate, but their calm presence can be incredibly grounding, making them ideal for people who appreciate a dog that enjoys peaceful reflection.



Akitas are strong, dignified dogs with a calm, thoughtful nature. They are independent thinkers and often seem to be contemplating their next move rather than acting impulsively. Akitas are known for their loyalty, but they also have an aloofness that gives them a philosophical air. Their quiet strength and observant nature make them seem wise beyond their years, as though they always consider the best course of action. Akitas are perfect for those who appreciate a more introspective and thoughtful companion.

Bergamasco Shepherd


With its unique, matted coat, the Bergamasco Shepherd is a dog that exudes calm and quiet wisdom. These dogs were bred to herd sheep, and their thoughtful, patient nature makes them excellent at their job. Bergamascos are independent but loyal, often seeming to quietly evaluate situations before making decisions. Their calm demeanor and contemplative expressions give them an air of quiet intelligence, making them perfect companions for those who appreciate a dog that seems to understand the world on a deeper level.

Japanese Chin


The Japanese Chin is a small dog with a calm and reflective nature. They are known for their quiet, observant personalities, often sitting still and watching the world thoughtfully. Japanese Chins have an almost regal demeanor, as though they are contemplating the meaning of life from their cozy perch. Their independence and tranquility make them ideal companions for people who appreciate a dog that is content to relax and reflect rather than demand constant attention.



Keeshonds are friendly, affectionate dogs but have a thoughtful side that makes them seem like little philosophers. Their expressive faces and calm demeanor give them an air of quiet intelligence, as though they’re always thinking things through before they act. Keeshonds enjoy spending time with their families but are also content to sit quietly and observe their surroundings. Their calm presence and thoughtful nature make them excellent companions for anyone seeking a dog with a more introspective, reflective personality.

The Wise Companions You Never Knew You Needed


These dog breeds embody a spirit of thoughtful contemplation, offering much more than companionship. Their quiet, observant nature and calm demeanor make them feel like “furry philosophers,” seeming to understand the world in ways we may never fully grasp. Whether you’re looking for a dog to join you in peaceful reflection or one that brings a calming presence to your home, these breeds are ideal for adding a touch of wisdom to your life. They offer a unique connection that resonates with depth and tranquility.

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