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Puppy Yearned For Someone To Chase Away The Fear

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| August 12, 2024

A small puppy found himself struggling to survive after being cruelly abandoned by the people who had been his only source of security. Thrown out onto the streets, he was left to fend for himself, feeling terrified and alone. As he wandered through the city, the frightened puppy cried out in desperation. Although he needed help, his fear and mistrust of humans kept him from letting anyone get close. Fortunately, a compassionate woman heard his cries and was determined to help him.


She reached out to the rescuers at Paw Squadron, informing them about the abandoned puppy in need of urgent care. The rescue team immediately rushed to the location and began searching for him. After some time, they finally spotted the puppy. Upon seeing the rescuers, the scared pup bolted, trying to escape. He was petrified. The rescuers spoke to him gently, attempting to earn his trust. It took hours of patience and care before they could finally approach him.


The puppy trembled and whimpered as one of the rescuers drew near. He kept his tail tucked between his legs, his sad eyes filled with fear. But when the rescuer gently petted him, the puppy stopped trying to flee.

The rescuer picked him up, and the little dog nestled into his arms. For the first time in a long while, hope flickered in the puppy’s eyes as he placed his trust in his newfound protector. Feeling secure for the first time in weeks, the puppy finally stopped crying.


The rescuer held the puppy close, doing everything he could to soothe him and help him forget the hardships he had endured. He carried the pup to the car and offered him food, which the puppy devoured hungrily, revealing just how starved he had been.

As the rescuers made their way back, they noticed the puppy curling up on a blanket, beginning to shiver. Concerned, they quickly took him to a veterinarian, who conducted a full examination. The vet diagnosed the puppy with giardia and provided the necessary treatment. The little one started to feel better.


The rescuers were relieved when the vet assured them that the puppy would make a full recovery. One of the rescuers brought the puppy home and gave him a warm bath. The little dog, filled with gratitude, curled up in his rescuer’s lap. The kind-hearted man held the pup close as the puppy gazed up at him with eyes full of appreciation.

Footage Exposed a Dog Daycare Worker Abusing Dogs
Footage Exposed a Dog Daycare Worker Abusing Dogs

What these dogs went through must have been terrifying and painful. That's why we're demanding true and complete justice for these pups and their family.

Finally, the puppy could enjoy the warmth of a home and the gentle touch of a caring human. The rescuers will continue to care for him. Once he’s fully recovered, the puppy will begin the search for a loving forever family.

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