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Sick Stray Won’t Go With Rescuers Without Her Survival-Companion

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| July 19, 2024

A stray dog named Elsa was discovered wandering the streets alongside her best friend, Hugo. She urgently needed medical care due to a severe infestation of mites. When members of Ray Animal Rescue tried to assist her, Elsa was immediately warm and affectionate, seemingly aware of their intentions to help. Despite her dire condition, Elsa initially resisted rescue because she did not want to leave Hugo behind. This deeply touching display of loyalty prompted the Ray Animal Rescue team to take both dogs to their facility.


Elsa’s treatment was intensive and required constant attention. For the first few months, she underwent daily baths to combat the mite infestation—a demanding but crucial regimen. Gradually, her condition improved; she began to eat better, her skin healed, and she became more playful.


However, integrating Elsa with other dogs at the facility was challenging due to her size. She was much larger than the other dogs, which made social interactions difficult. Recognizing her need for a more suitable environment, the Ray Animal Rescue team decided to place her in a foster home.

In her new foster home, Elsa found companionship and care, not just from her human family but also from another dog. Though her stay was initially meant to be temporary, her foster family quickly grew attached to her. Meanwhile, Hugo, being smaller and healthier, was adopted much sooner than Elsa.


As potential adopters came and went, Elsa remained with her foster family, who became increasingly fond of her. When the time came to consider a permanent adoption, her foster mother realized she couldn’t part with Elsa and decided to adopt her permanently.

Footage Exposed a Dog Daycare Worker Abusing Dogs
Footage Exposed a Dog Daycare Worker Abusing Dogs

What these dogs went through must have been terrifying and painful. That's why we're demanding true and complete justice for these pups and their family.

Elsa thrived in her forever home, adapting well to her new family, including their other dog. She also developed her social skills, enjoying the company of visitors. Her personality blossomed in this nurturing environment, transforming her from a once introverted stray into a joyful, sociable family pet. Elsa now enjoys a full and happy life, engaging in activities such as walks, beach outings, and even napping with the family cats, embracing every aspect of her new, loving home.

Elsa’s rescue and happy ending are too heartwarming to miss! Click the video below to experience it for yourself.

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