Unfortunately, many dogs who give their unconditional trust to their owners are left betrayed and abandoned. This narrative centers around Nova, a special dog whose life took a heartbreaking turn when she was deserted in a kennel along a bustling highway, marked only by a “free” sign. This despicable act of abandonment didn’t go unnoticed. A passerby, moved by her plight, quickly shared her situation online, hoping to attract the attention of a rescue group. Madison Nygard, a dedicated volunteer from Pawfect Match Rescue in North Carolina, responded promptly to the call.
“I was on my way. I had seen it a couple of minutes after it had been posted. I got to Nova before the post hit the hour mark,” Nygard told People. She was appalled by the sign on the kennel and, after a brief discussion with animal control officers at the scene, resolved to take Nova under her wing. Nygard transported Nova to a local veterinary clinic for a thorough check-up and any necessary treatments. “I knew that at least if I brought her into the house, she would have food in her belly, and I could physically monitor her,” she explained.
Safely in Nygard’s foster care, Nova began to unwind and embrace her new environment. She quickly adapted to her temporary home, expressing her appreciation through her interactions with everyone in the household. Nygard was delighted to witness Nova’s transformation, especially considering her traumatic ordeal.
While Nova relished her time in foster care, enjoying treats, toys, and the warmth of a loving home, the search for a permanent family was underway. Nygard explored several potential adopters, determined to find the perfect match for Nova.
Although the process of finding Nova a forever home would take some time, the once-abandoned dog was now surrounded by care and affection, a far cry from her days in a lonely kennel on a highway.