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The 7 Most Unusual Habits of Cavaliers

By: Ejay Camposano
A college graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Ejay has a diverse background that combines technical expertise with a passion for pets and is now one of the content writers at IHD. Read more
| April 12, 2024

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, with their endearing eyes and affectionate nature, are one of the most cherished toy breeds in the world. Known for their elegant appearance and friendly demeanor, Cavaliers have a rich history as companion dogs to royalty and nobility, which has shaped much of their behavior and personality today. While they are primarily loved for their sweet and gentle ways, Cavaliers also exhibit a range of behaviors that can be both delightful and unusual. These habits not only highlight their unique characteristics but also their adaptability and intelligence as a breed. This article explores the seven most unusual habits of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, providing insights into the quirky and charming ways these dogs enrich the lives of their owners.

1. “Comforter” Chewing

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels often exhibit a comforting habit of gently chewing or sucking on soft objects like blankets or plush toys. This behavior is usually seen from a young age and can continue into adulthood. It appears to provide them comfort and security, much like a child with a security blanket. While generally harmless, it is important for owners to ensure that the objects their Cavaliers are fixated on are safe and free of small parts or harmful substances. This habit underscores their need for comfort and reassurance, reflecting their sensitive and affectionate nature.

2. Following Like a Shadow

Cavaliers are known for their “velcro” tendency to stick closely to their owners, often following them from room to room without a moment’s hesitation. This shadowing behavior is rooted in their breeding as companion dogs who were expected to be close at hand at all times. While this makes them excellent companions, it can sometimes lead to separation anxiety if they are not taught to spend time alone comfortably. Training and gradually acclimating them to short periods of solitude can help manage their dependency, ensuring they feel secure even when alone.

3. Bird Watching

An unusual yet charming habit of many Cavaliers is their fascination with birds. This breed can spend hours watching birds from a window, showing great interest and alertness to their movements. Unlike their ancestors who might have chased birds, modern Cavaliers are more content to observe quietly, making them perfect companions for those who enjoy a peaceful home. This habit not only highlights their gentle demeanor but also their keen observational skills and appreciation for the subtleties in their environment.

4. “Singing” Along to Music

Cavaliers occasionally engage in what owners describe as “singing” or vocalizing along with music or certain sounds. This can include howling melodically or making soft murmuring sounds in response to musical notes that they seem to enjoy or resonate with. This musical inclination is quite endearing and reflects their responsive and social nature. It shows that they are not only good listeners but also active participants in home activities, adding a touch of charm and liveliness to their surroundings.

5. Tail Chasing

Some Cavaliers have a quirky habit of chasing their own tails. This behavior is often playful and can occur when they are excited or want to burn off some extra energy. While mostly seen in puppies, adult Cavaliers may occasionally indulge in a quick spin. It’s important for owners to ensure this behavior does not become obsessive, as it can be a sign of boredom. Providing adequate physical and mental stimulation can help prevent tail chasing from becoming a compulsive habit.

6. Paws Crossed

A particularly elegant habit observed in many Cavaliers is their tendency to sit or lie down with their paws crossed. This poised posture adds to their regal and dignified appearance, reflecting the breed’s aristocratic background. It’s a subtle behavior that endears them to their owners and onlookers alike, showcasing their natural grace and charm in everyday situations.

7. Hiding in Small Spaces

Despite their sociable nature, Cavaliers sometimes enjoy hiding in small, cozy spaces around the house. Whether under furniture, in between cushions, or inside small nooks, this behavior provides them a sense of security and solitude. It’s a reminder of their need for occasional quiet time away from the hustle and bustle, even in the most loving and attentive homes.

In conclusion, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are not just beautiful and affectionate but also full of personality and surprising behaviors. These unusual habits make living with a Cavalier a unique and joyful experience. Understanding and appreciating these traits can help owners provide a nurturing environment that fulfills their Cavalier’s emotional and physical needs, strengthening the bond between them and ensuring a happy, well-adjusted pet.

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