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The 7 Most Unusual Habits of Rottweilers

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| April 12, 2024

Rottweilers, known for their robust physique and confident demeanor, are a breed steeped in history and purpose. Originally bred to drive cattle and pull carts for farmers and butchers in the Roman Empire, these dogs have evolved into one of the most versatile working breeds, serving as police dogs, service animals, and loyal family protectors. Despite their sometimes intimidating appearance, Rottweilers are highly intelligent, sensitive, and surprisingly affectionate with their families. Alongside these more well-known traits, Rottweilers exhibit a range of unusual habits that reflect their complex psychological makeup and working heritage. These behaviors can sometimes be misunderstood but are deeply ingrained in the breed’s character. This article explores seven of the most unusual habits of Rottweilers, providing insight into their significance and how they can be managed or embraced by their owners.

1. “Lean On Me” Behavior

Rottweilers are known for their “lean on me” behavior, where they show affection and seek comfort by leaning their entire body weight against their owner. This habit not only demonstrates their need for physical contact but also their trust and reliance on their human companions. Originating possibly from their working days when close coordination with their handlers was essential, this behavior can be comforting but might overwhelm those unprepared for the heft of a full-grown Rottweiler. Encouraging this behavior in appropriate settings and teaching young Rottweilers to moderate their force can help manage this endearing trait without compromising safety or comfort.

2. Guarding Instinct

Rottweilers have a strong guarding instinct that is both a defining and unusual habit. This behavior is rooted in their history as protectors of livestock and property. They often patrol the boundaries of their home and may stand watch at windows or doors. While this makes them excellent guard dogs, it can lead to challenges in distinguishing between normal and threatening situations. Proper training and socialization from an early age are essential to ensure that their protective instincts are controlled and constructive, preventing aggression and promoting a well-adjusted temperament.

3. Vocal Communication

Unlike some breeds that are more reserved, Rottweilers tend to be quite vocal. They use a range of sounds—grunts, moans, barks, and whines—to communicate their feelings and needs. This variety of vocalizations can be unusual but is a testament to their emotional depth and desire to communicate with their owners. Understanding and responding to these vocal cues can enhance the bond between a Rottweiler and its owner, helping to address their needs more effectively and ensuring their well-being.

4. Obsession with Water

Many Rottweilers have an unusual obsession with water, whether it’s playing in a puddle, swimming in a pool, or simply enjoying a bath. This might stem from their need to cool off due to their thick coat and large body mass, or it could be a remnant of tasks they might have been bred for that involved water. Providing regular opportunities for supervised water play can satisfy this craving, making for a happy and healthy Rottweiler.

5. Collecting and Hoarding Objects

Rottweilers sometimes engage in collecting and hoarding objects like toys, shoes, or even small household items. This behavior may be linked to their instinct to gather and protect resources. While it can be amusing, it might also lead to possessive behaviors if not properly managed. Teaching them to “drop” or “leave” items on command and providing plenty of their own toys can help manage this habit effectively.

6. Extreme Loyalty and Separation Anxiety

Rottweilers are known for their extreme loyalty to their families, which can sometimes manifest as separation anxiety. They may follow their owners around the house, become distressed when left alone, or even act out. This habit underscores their strong bond with their owners and their need for social interaction. Addressing this behavior through gradual conditioning to tolerate absences and providing a secure, engaging environment when alone can help reduce anxiety.

7. Digging

Despite their size, Rottweilers can have a habit of digging, often creating sizable holes in yards. This behavior may be motivated by various factors including boredom, the instinct to hide valuable items, or simply the pleasure of digging. Providing ample exercise, mental stimulation, and a designated digging area can help curb unwanted digging, channeling this behavior in a less destructive direction.

Learn More About the Rottweiler Dog Breed: Information, Facts & Pictures

Rottweilers are a breed of depth and distinction, marked by a suite of unusual but understandable habits that stem from their historical roles and inherent traits. These behaviors, from leaning affectionately to vocalizing and digging, highlight the importance of appropriate training, socialization, and understanding. By embracing and managing these habits, owners can ensure that their Rottweilers are not only well-behaved companions but also happy and fulfilled members of their families.

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