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Rescue Piggy Liberated From Pet Store Restores Elderly Dog’s Puppyhood

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| November 21, 2023

Uncle Neil’s Home, a rescue group dedicated to providing a safe haven for animals, recently received a message about a pig named Tootsie who was living in a pet store. The group’s founder, Rian, went to investigate the situation and after an hour of speaking with the store owners and expressing concern for Tootsie’s well-being, the pig was finally surrendered to her.


With a sigh of relief, Rian took Tootsie out of the store and brought her to Uncle Neil’s Home, where she was nursed back to health. In no time, Tootsie made herself right at home, as if she had been living there her entire life. One of her favorite activities is helping the family with their groceries – she eagerly goes into the bags and rips out the items they’ve purchased.


Tootsie’s world took a turn for the better when she met Neil, Rian’s dog and official mascot for Uncle Neil’s Home. Tootsie immediately declared Neil her best friend and followed him wherever he went, always seeking his attention. She even started barking just like Neil. Every night, Tootsie had a routine of having the most insane “zoomies” while Neil sat and watched her, amused by her boundless energy.

Tootsie’s determination to be around Neil led her to learn how to go up and down the stairs. Even though she occasionally took off Neil’s diapers, the tripod, elderly dog remained unbothered. The bond between the two animals grew stronger, with Neil taking on the role of Tootsie’s big brother and Tootsie bringing out the young energy in him.


The duo enjoyed the best of times together, often sleeping cuddled up next to each other. Once Tootsie was vaccinated and had grown enough, it was time to introduce her to her future pig family. Although she was initially timid, with each passing day, Tootsie became more comfortable and began to love being outside.


The adorable piggy now enjoys her new outdoor life but still visits the family indoors and occasionally sleeps inside with them. They even have slumber parties together! Tootsie’s rescue and her blossoming friendship with Neil is a testament to the incredible work done by Uncle Neil’s Home. Tootsie’s transformation from a pet store pig to a thriving member of her new family is amazing.

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