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Baby Seal Grabs Diver To Give Him A ‘Gift’ He’ll Cherish For All Time

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| July 3, 2023

Seals have been coined ‘the dogs of the sea’ for good reason! While seals can be aggressive on land, they’re usually friendly in the water. An unlikely encounter between a man and a baby seal is too adorable to miss!


A snorkeler was swimming off the coast of Argentina when he spotted a group of baby seals nearby. Suddenly, one seal pup made her way over to say hello. The pup didn’t just say hi; she smothered her new human friend with the sweetest kisses.


Baby seals, called pups, are amazing creatures. They can hold their breath underwater for up to two hours. The pups also have a special call to get their mom’s attention. Each call is unique, unlike humans who shout out “Mom,” and every woman who has given birth turns around!


The pup and snorkeler’s interaction was captured on video, and it’s sure to brighten your day. It doesn’t get much cuter than this, folks! Enjoy!

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