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Dog Home Alone In Apartment For A Month Developed Unusual Behavior

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| May 25, 2023

Yasmin was fostering several dogs when she met Milo at the shelter and added him to her foster pack. The pup was alone in an apartment for over a month before he was found. According to Yasmin, someone would come into the apartment once a week and “fill up a food bowl for him.” That was his only meal.


Before coming to Yasmin, Milo sat in a shelter, afraid of people and behaving strangely. He couldn’t focus on anything, and they believed he had learned to entertain himself because he was left alone for so long. Milo would walk up to Yasmin when she called him over, and look straight at her. He’d then run away, distracted by something else.


Milo actually spun in circles. A neurologist was called in to rule out a medical condition. But Milo was physically healthy– he just had to heal on the inside. And it was Yasmin’s mission to get him back on track!

The pup’s story is far from over and what follows is incredible! We are so relieved Milo was found. As for his owners, let’s just say he’s better off without them!

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