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Papa Gets An Inspirational Buddy To Tag Along During His Recovery

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| April 26, 2023

When a loving grandfather needed the inspiration to get up and go while using his new walker, the solution dawned on his grandson. Let’s get our Papa a puppy! Papa doesn’t just appreciate little Roscoe; he’s over the moon in love with the tiny dog.


After knee surgery, Papa’s road to recovery isn’t going to be easy, but Roscoe’s unwavering love is exactly what’s needed. Papa has a basket on his walker so he can take Roscoe with him everywhere he goes. The puppy is Papa’s shadow and happily follows close behind him. Their bond is a mood lifter for sure!


Roscoe is full of happy energy. His joyous attitude makes Papa smile all day long! However, like most puppies, little Roscoe has a mischievous side. He’ll grab things that don’t belong to him and carry them to his dog bed. Papa admits that he’ll leave stuff out on purpose just to see what Roscoe does.


The puppy sticks by Papa as his healing progresses. Papa says he’s good medicine and that Roscoe has a tendency of making a bad day good! Wait until you see these two in action. It’ll make your heart soar!

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