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Matted Street Dog With Heavy Coat Gets An Emotional Makeover

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| February 22, 2023

When an animal rescuer in Serbia spotted a matted dog, he said he looked like a piece of wood. The rescuer could only imagine how heavy the dog’s coat must have been! He needed to save the dog from the streets and take him to get some help, ASAP!


Once at the rescue center, the dog’s fur was shaved down. A few hours later, the pup was unrecognizable. Everyone could finally see his beautiful face and now that he didn’t have the heavy fur covering his eyes, he could see them too!


Now it was time to take him for a walk. The dog amazingly walked right beside his savior, even with the leash loosely held. What a good boy! It was obvious that the pup would make an excellent addition to the right family. The rescue group prayed he’d find his forever home quickly.


To see the incredible dog’s journey and transformation, check out The Dodo video below. What follows is too good to miss! We are so relieved this pup was rescued and given the second chance he deserved!

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