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No One Wanted This Puppy, But Once He Was Chosen He Saved His Rescuer’s Life

By: Stephanie Maguire
Stephanie Maguire is a writer for She loves animals so much that she started her own pet-sitting business in 2017, and goes out of her way to point-out and pet every single dog she sees.Read more
| December 20, 2022

As the parents of rescue animals, we often ask ourselves, who rescued who? Because the addition of a furry best friend can have monumental effects on our lives, while also saving an incredible animal from living life in a shelter or on the streets. 

So, when it comes to the story of Skot and Biggie, each of them has absolutely taken a turn doing the saving.

Skot and Biggie

It was shortly after Skot had lost his canine companion, when he was out for a drive, hoping to clear his head that he saw it. A sign for Shepherd Puppies. He thought to himself, “I could use some puppy love.” 

After all, he had been pretty sad since he lost his last pup. So he followed the sign. He wasn’t intending to bring a puppy home.

But I think we all know how that usually goes. It was love at first sight when he laid his eyes on Biggie, the puppy that nobody one else wanted. Biggie had a hernia, but Scott didn’t care. He was determined to get it figured out. He knew that he had found his new best friend. After that, Skot made it his mission to give Biggie the best life. 

“I’ve never had a bond with a dog like this before,” he said.

He brought Biggie along to do all of his favorite activities, and they soon discovered that Biggie was happiest in the mountains. So Skot took him snowboarding, and he had never seen his best friend happier than when he was chasing him down the trails. 

Biggie had brought joy and laughter back into Skot’s life, so he was incredibly happy to be doing the same for his furry best friend. But then, Biggie unexpectedly got sick. Which actually came as quite a shock to Skot, because Biggie was so young (only one and a half).

Biggie Sick

Shortly after discovering Biggie had been running a fever, Skot found a large lump under Biggie’s chin. It quickly grew to the size of a baseball, and started restricting the dog’s breathing. That’s when the decision was made that Biggie needed emergency care. He saw tons of doctors and underwent tons of tests. But they were still baffled. So Biggie had to stay, and Skot had to head home. 

Not only was Skot an emotional mess seeing his best friend so sick, but facing a mountain of bills wasn’t easy, either. 

Then, when Skot shared that Biggie was sick and his bills were staggeringly high, his internet community rallied around him. Not only had sweet Biggie brought so much joy back into Skot’s life, but followers all across the world felt the same. Seeing their pictures and videos made them smile so much that they wanted to give the pair something in return.

“I knew people loved Biggie but I didn’t know how much they loved him. I’ve had countless people message me telling me they have been praying for him and how his videos make their entire day and they look forward to us making more. I have had several people searching online for answers and sending me their research. I’ve had strangers all over the world contact me tell me they are thinking of us,” Skot wrote on Facebook.

Big Kiss For Biggie

Now, Biggie is back to being healthy and taking many epic adventures with his dad. You can check out a charming video of Skot and Biggie’s sweet story, down below. And if you’d like to follow Skot and Biggie on their amazing adventures, you can keep up with them via Instagram.

Featured Image: Instagram

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