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12 Dogs Who Wish You Were There

| Published on December 14, 2015

As the weather gets cold and the holidays get crazy, we chilly, stressed-out humans tend to start fantasizing about adventuring to faraway lands. Here are 12 touristy, traveling pooches who would love nothing more than for you to join them on their global getaways. Whether you daydream about exploring foreign lands, wading in the tide, or sight-seeing in the snow, take a few minutes to sit back, relax, and live vicariously through these vacationing pups. They may be living the good life–but for the them, “the good life” means being with you!

1.This soggy doggy wants to frolic in the surf with you more than anything in the world!

“I love water, I love sand, and I love you! Come play with meeeeee!”

dog frolicking beach

2. And these dashing doggies love when you take them for long walks on the beach.

Good-looking, loyal, and affectionate? What a couple of catches!

dog tropical fetch

3. These honeymooners just want to enjoy the view with you.

True love lasts fur-ever! (Especially between human and pooch.)

dog honeymoon

4. And so does this sweet boy, who will never forget how you rescued him.

*Stares at water-skiers* “If I swim fast enough, d’ya think I could catch them?”

Vacation dog view

5. This sun-kissed Goldie needs your help putting some sunscreen on her back.

“I think you missed a spot behind my ear…HAHA! That tickles!” *Hind leg starts thumping*

dog tanning

6. And this fluffy fetcher can’t wait to dive head-first into the resort pool.

Sun-bathing? Pah-lease!



dog resort

7. This perro guapo feels on top of the world on this hillside in Spain.

“There’s no one else I’d rather be here with than you, mi amor. Now let me lick your face.”

Dog Spain

8. And this barking beauty wants to yodel away in the Swiss Alps with you.

“Yodel-ay-ee…hoooooooowwwl! Care for a duet?”

dog swiss alps

9. This old chap wants you as a sight-seeing companion across the Scottish countryside.

“What you’ve heard is right: kilts are way more comfortable than pants.”

dog scotland

10. And these snow lovers want to give you a scenic tour of the Canadian tundra. 

“We’ll mush you to the lodge for a fireside snuggle together!”

dog sled dogs

11. But at the end of the day, no matter where your dog is, in sunshine or snow, across the world or across the room…

“Who brought the road trip snacks?! Cheese balls? Liver chunks? Peanut butter bites?”

dog roadtrip

12. The only thing he wants is to be with you, because when you’re together, it feels like paradise.

“I’d rather stay home with you than take a tropical vacation without you any day of the year. Paws down.

dog canoe

Summer or winter, near or far, we wish happy tails to you and your pooch!

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