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Compassionate Adopter Lets Family Of Surrendered Senior Dog Know That He Is Loved

By: Dina Fantegrossi
Dina Fantegrossi is the Assistant Editor and Head Writer for HomeLife Media. Before her career in writing, Dina was a veterinary technician for more than 15 years.Read more
| August 9, 2022

Like most young boys, Cooper Black wanted a dog. When he turned 13 in July 2022, his mother, Chelley, decided he was ready for the responsibility. They headed to their local shelter, the Williamson County Animal Center in Franklin, Tennessee.

Chelley noticed a tan and white dog with a distinctively crooked ear but feared the pooch was too old for her family.

 “I didn’t want my children to fall in love with a pet and then lose him a short time later,” she told iHeartDogs.


Too Old for Love?

When the Blacks returned to WCAC the following week—this time with Chelley’s husband Jeff in tow—they saw that Dempsey had yet to be adopted. Something about the handsome old dog drew Jeff in, and the family asked to get to know him better. Once in a private visitation room, Dempsey truly came alive.

“He was so sweet and came up to each of us for pets and treats,” Chelley said. “He was calm and didn’t jump. When we asked if he wanted to go for a walk, he got so excited! He is very active for his age.”

While Dempsey made quite an impression, the Blacks decided to take the weekend to think it over. Having adopted their two cats and pet rabbit from shelters, they understood that committing to a pet is a big decision that should never be made on a whim.

After a few days of family discussions, the Blacks returned to WCAC to officially adopt Dempsey and “give him the best life we can for the remainder of his years.”

RELATED: 8 Rewarding Reasons To Adopt A Senior Dog


An Easy Adjustment

Dempsey quickly made himself comfortable in his new home. Chelley describes him as an “equal opportunity lover boy” who loves to snuggle with 14-year-old Maddie, howls when Cooper leaves for football practice, and spends his nights at the foot of Chelley and Jeff’s bed.

One of the most enjoyable aspects of adopting an older dog is learning about their unique quirks. The Blacks already knew about his goofy right ear. Soon, they also discovered that he snores like a freight train and sleeps with his tongue hanging out!

The family’s main concern when adopting Dempsey was that he might not get along with the other pets, but so far, the four are peacefully coexisting.


A Selfless Decision

A few days after Dempsey’s adoption, Chelley contacted WCAC with a few questions.

“They gave me the information and also mentioned that his previous owners had called to check on him and that they were happy to know that he had been adopted,” Chelley told IHD. ” That told me that they cared about him and didn’t want him to be lonely at the shelter.”

Armed with this information, Chelley took to Facebook in the hopes of reaching out to Dempsey’s former family.

“I took a chance posting on the WCAC Facebook page hoping that they would see it and that it would bring some comfort to them knowing that he is loved. His former owners connected with me on Facebook and were able to share so much information that will help us to make his life more like it used to be. We now know his favorite toy, treats, joint supplements, and his doggie DNA!”


Chelley also learned that Dempsey is 10 1/2 years old and in excellent health save for a mild case of arthritis. His former owners adopted him as a puppy but were forced to give him up when their first child was born.

They gave him several months to adjust, but the stress of such a big life change was too much for him. The couple was heartbroken to give Dempsey up, but Chelley’s willingness to share the details of his happy new life helped them find peace.


Surrendering a pet is never easy, and those who do so are often subject to judgment and disdain. In a world wracked with conflict and uncertainty, Chelley Black chose kindness. She opened her heart and home to a dog in need and embraced the people who loved him before. We can all learn from her selflessness and compassion.

Follow Dempsey on Instagram for more updates from this wonderful family.

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