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Man Bullied By Employer And Paid In Pennies Donates $1,000 To Rescue Dogs

By: Scott H
Scott Haiduc is the Director of Publishing for iHeartDogs, iHeartCats and The Hero Company. When not working, Scott spends his time on the farm, taking care of his animals and crops.Read more
| May 27, 2022

We’ve all had horrible bosses at one point. They’re miserable and their unhappiness seems to soak into the hearts of all of their employees. You probably saw the news recently where a man’s boss thought he got the last laugh, but if you didn’t let me catch you up.

Andreas Flaten worked for A OK Walker Automworks in Peachtree City, Georgia. He decided to call it quits last November after spending too much time in what he considered a toxic workplace. Despite giving a written letter with two weeks’ notice, Flaten had a difficult time getting ahold of his last paycheck which totaled $915. It wasn’t a measly amount by any means. Flaten even had to get the Georgia Department of Labor involved.

If you were wondering about just how toxic his employer really was, wonder no more.

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If You Think Your Boss Is Awful, Wait Until You Read This

On March 12th, Flaten received his last paycheck. Dumped in his driveway was 91,515 pennies. Not just any pennies though. This 500 pounds worth of pennies was covered in motor oil which is a toxic ground contaminant. Plus, it came adorned with a not-so-nice note.

While Flaten’s previous employer may have though they got the last laugh, they couldn’t have been more wrong. Flaten’s girlfriend uploaded a video of the heaping pile of pennies to Instagram where it quickly went viral.

Flaten and his girlfriend have spent the last few weeks painstakingly cleaning each penny with a rag. It takes them about two hours to clean just $5 worth!

The U.S. Department of Labor spokesperson, Eric R. Lucero, told the Times, “There is nothing in the regulations that dictates in what currency the employee must be paid.”


The Good Guys Always Win – And They Make Sure Dogs Do, Too

While it seemed like evil was winning and Flaten had been defeated, a bright spot emerged. Coinstar offered to pick up the pennies and take care of the headache.

“Coinstar has been in the coin business for 30 years and we process approximately 41 billion coins annually – so picking up 91,000 pennies was all in a day’s work,” the company told the New York Post.

Not only did they do that, but they also rounded up the amount to $1,000 and they offered to donate the same amount to charities of Flaten’s choosing!

According to Fox News, Flaten chose to donate the money to two Atlanta-area animal shelters. He chose these shelters because of the way they’ve had a positive impact in his life.

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“I gave the money to Royal Animal Refuge and TLC Pet Rescue. One saved my dog and one saved my mother’s dog,” he told Fox News.

There’s no price that can be put on the love of a rescue dog, but $1,000 is pretty sweet! This story just goes to show that the good guys always win!

Featured Photo: @OliviaOxley/Facebook


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