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The Healthy Hound Newsletter #29

Written by: Dina Fantegrossi
Dina Fantegrossi is the Assistant Editor and Head Writer for HomeLife Media. Before her career in writing, Dina was a veterinary technician for more than 15 years.Read more
| Published on May 9, 2020

In This Issue

● Pup With Dwarfism
● Cancer-Preventing Foods
● Avoiding Snake Bites
● Amazon Ghost Dogs
● Why Dogs Do The “Poop Stare”
● Dog Bowl Maintenance
● Water Intoxication

Recent Food Recalls

3/23/20 – IcelandicPlus Fish Treats
2/14/20 – Aunt Jeni’s Frozen Raw Pet Food
2/07/20 – UK Happy Hounds Frozen Raw Pet Food
1/16/20 – Black Hawk Dry Dog Food


Throw-Away Pup With Disabilities Is Now Living Her Best Life

When Delta was just four-weeks-old, a Good Samaritan witnessed somebody toss her from a moving vehicle. The pup was taken in by New Life Dog Rescue, and found to be suffering from complications of Dwarfism and Brachycephalic Syndrome.

Delta stopped growing at about five-months-old. Her short, bowed legs make her more prone to arthritis and injury. She has also undergone several surgeries to help her breathe normally.

Her physical challenges were likely caused by inbreeding. When she was born imperfect, the cruel human responsible for her care simply dumped her on the side of the road.

Sadly, Delta’s story is not rare, but it does have a happy ending. Find out where she ended up and see her engaging in her favorite activity – swimming!


Find out exactly how much to feed your dog with the Calorie Calculator from Pet Nutrition Alliance.


6 Foods To Add Over Your Dog’s Kibble To Help Prevent Cancer

The term “Superfood” refers to plant and fish-based edibles that are so densely packed with healthful nutrients they are almost medicinal. For example, blueberries contain cancer-fighting antioxidants, and turmeric helps neutralize free radicals.

While any dog can benefit from superfoods in their diet, getting them to eat them is easier said than done. Turmeric has a bitter, pungent flavor, and picky pups tend to roll their eyes at blueberries, carrots, and kale.

That’s why iHeartDogs created our own brand of Happy, Healthy Food Toppers made from freeze-dried meat, fruits, veggies, probiotics, and collagen.

Your dog gets all the benefits of 6 of the world’s most nutrient-dense superfoods in a meaty topper they will crave with every meal!


About how many of the world’s 3,000 snake species are venomous?

  1. 60
  2. 600
  3. 1600

Not sure? Read on to find the answer!


The DOs And DON’Ts Of Protecting Your Dog From Snake Bites

Where I live, venomous Copperhead and Cottonmouth snakes are prevalent. That’s why I learned how to identify them, and more importantly, how to avoid them when I am with my dogs.

Most bites happen when a snake is approached or attacked by a dog, not the other way around. Our pups are naturally curious and naive to potential dangers. It is up to us to keep them safe, even if that means a short leash during snake season.

Learn the DOs and DON’Ts of preventing snake bites, and how to help your dog should one occur.


Elusive Ghost Dogs Show How Much We Have Left To Learn About The Amazon

You probably never heard of the Amazon Ghost Dog until recent data brought them into the news. That is because these strange, short-eared pups are extremely shy, earning them their spooky name.

Researchers first learned of the mysterious species when they were picked up by motion-activated cameras set up for other projects. Now that we know they exist, scientists hope to protect them by mapping their range and determining their preferred habitat.

Why is protecting the Ghost Dog so important? As Daniel Rocha, lead author of a study on the effects of deforestation on the dogs, puts it:

“If we are so in the dark about one of the most widely beloved animal types, imagine how much we don’t know about less charismatic species.”

Find out all there currently is to know about the Amazon rainforest’s only unique canine species.


No more than 10% of your dog’s daily calories should come from treats.


Why Do Dogs Stare At Us While They Poop?

Do your dogs stare at you when they poop? Do they seek you out when you are hanging in the backyard just so they can do their business close by?

One of my dogs takes his public pooping to a whole new level. He holds it in until he sees a family trying to enjoy their day, then he runs up on their lawn as far as the leash will allow and lets one go.

I always apologize and pick it up, but it’s super embarrassing!

Believe it or not, dogs have a good reason for this behavior, and it goes back 15,000 years…


How Often Should You Wash Your Dog’s Bowls?

by Dr. Sarah Wooten, DVM

Dogs lick their butts and drink from the toilet, so how much could the cleanliness of their food and water dishes really matter, right?

When our pups eat and drink, microbes from their mouths can be transferred to their bowls creating an environment where nasty bacteria like Staph, Strep, Pseudomonas, and Salmonella can flourish.

According to veterinarian Sarah Wooten, how dangerous your dog’s bowls become depends on several factors including environment, exposure, your dog’s oral hygiene, and the material of the bowl (Hint: plastic is the worst).

Dr. Wooten offers tips and recommendations from the FDA and the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) on keeping your dog’s dishes clean and safe.


The Deadly Condition You Need To Know About Before Your Dog Goes Swimming

When you hear the word Intoxication, you probably think of drugs and alcohol. After all, who has ever heard of a person or pet becoming dangerously intoxicated from drinking water?

While rare, the effects of water intoxication are fast-acting and life-threatening for dogs.

The condition is most often seen in pups that have spent the day romping at the beach or pool. As they play, they swallow large amounts of water, drastically lowering the sodium levels in their bloodstream and causing fatal brain damage.


Do you have a question or topic you’d like The Healthy Hound to address in an upcoming newsletter? Click here to let us know!

Quiz Answer:

2. 600. Of the world’s 3,000 snake species, only about 600 are venomous, and even fewer are considered a serious risk to pets or people.

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