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Dog & Cat Rescue Pub Is An Animal Lover’s Dream!

By: Amber LaRock
Amber LaRock is a writer and reviewer for iHD. She is a Licensed Vet Tech with 12 years of experience in the field, and she now creates informative content for pet parents.Read more
| June 21, 2020

Two animal lovers have found the perfect way to combine dining experience with the opportunity to rescue furry friends in need. With the help of the Spokane Humane Society, Bark Rescue Pub is on a mission to add some flare to the pet adoption process in their city.

Josh Wade and Katie Holmes first imagined the concept of a rescue themed pub while at dinner with a group of friends. After overhearing a young man mention how fun it would be to create a brewery with adoptable dogs on site, Josh and Katie knew it was time to make this a reality in Spokane.

rescue pub

After doing a bit of research, Josh and Katie were able to draw up a plan that combined a dog and cat café experience with the potential of adopting a furry friend during your stay. They not only wanted to give adoptable pets the chance at a forever home, but also find a way to raise funds for the animals in their community as well. Once they partnered with the Spokane Humane Society, an incredible dream became a reality!

“We are excited to bring a new and unique restaurant experience to Spokane. My fiancé and I are dog and cat lovers. We have adopted several shelter animals over the years and love being their forever home. Bark provides animal lovers like us a fun interactive dining experience while knowing that we are supporting the Spokane Humane Society with each visit.” – Josh Wade

rescue pub

Bark, A Rescue Pub will be the first restaurant that allows guests to interact with adoptable dogs and cats either before or after their dining experience. Anywhere from 4-8 adoptable pets will be housed on-site in a separate area, all of which will have their own set of caretakers to make their stay as enjoyable as possible. The plan is to have a small rolling set of pets at a time to ensure that each group will get the attention they deserve to increase their chance of being adopted.

“Bark will provide our furry friends with more opportunities to find that forever home and offers another platform to continue our mission.” – Josh Wade

Not only is this Rescue Pub on a mission to change the lives of adoptable pets, but they also want to provide an experience that benefits their customers as well. This restaurant will offer 38 taps filled with beer, cider, seltzer, wine, and kombucha, as well as an array of delicious pub-style food options to snack on.

rescue pub

This unique restaurant is an incredible extension of the adoption process that will hopefully change the lives of many furry friends to come. They plan to open their doors in late July or August of 2020 pending the completion of their shelter area.

If you’d like to stay up to date on their grand opening plans, you can follow their Facebook posts here. We can’t wait for this pawsome pub to open its doors!

Image Source: BarkRescuePub/FB

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