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Calling All Drivers! Meatball Has Waited 3 Years To Be Your Furry Co-Pilot

By: Dina Fantegrossi
Dina Fantegrossi is the Assistant Editor and Head Writer for HomeLife Media. Before her career in writing, Dina was a veterinary technician for more than 15 years.Read more
| February 13, 2019

Post Updated 7/23/19:

Although Meatball has been waiting three years for a forever home, he is one of the lucky ones. After finding himself in a California kill shelter, he was pulled by a small rescue organization. When they closed, Tails and Scales Animal Rescue stepped in and placed him in a loving foster home to await adoption.

Recently, it seemed as if his perfect family had finally been found. Even though they live 780 miles away, Meaty’s foster mom was willing to make the 12 hour journey if it meant a happy ending for her boy.

Image c/o Tails and Scales Animal Rescue

Meatball and friends made the best of their cross-country voyage. They checked out the world-famous Route 66, New Mexico’s Continental Divide, and other famous American sites along the way.

Image c/o Tails and Scales Animal Rescue

But sadly, when they arrived at Meaty’s prospective home, it was not a good fit. Haley Walsh from Tails & Scales told iHeartDogs:

“There were multiple factors involved in our decision to bring Meatball home – after all, the application was good on paper! But, we stuck with our gut and decided that we would only place Meatball in the best possible home for him.”

Image c/o Tails and Scales Animal Rescue

While Meaty’s friends are understandably disappointed, some good did come from their roadtrip. It turns out Meatball is a fabulous co-pilot. Something his friends may not have discovered if not for the four days they spent in the car.

Meaty sits politely in his seat or snoozes as the vehicle cruises. In addition to his calm demeanor while in motion, he is also up for all kinds of roadside adventures.

Image c/o Tails and Scales Animal Rescue

“Ideally, Meatball would do the best in a single pet household and no kids,” Walsh says. “We’re thinking that he may make a great companion for someone who drives professionally – like a trucker.”

Of course, Meaty’s perfect human does not have to be a professional driver, just someone who understands his unique needs.

If you’d like to learn more about this special boy, please send an email to:

Even if you cannot adopt Meatball, you can help him find his forever home by sharing this post!

Original Post 2/13/19:

In the summer of 2016, a short, stocky pitbull mix named Meatball was surrendered to a Los Angeles County shelter by his owner. His ears were crudely cropped, but his tail wagged and his eyes shone with love and hope. Just a few days later, a local rescue group spotted his potential and liberated him from the shelter. They did their best to find him a loving home, but one year after accepting him into their care, the organization shut down.

Meaty once again faced an unknown fate.

Image c/o Tails and Scales Animal Rescue

There must have been a guardian angel looking out for him because the kindhearted folks at Santa Clarita’s Tails and Scales Animal Rescue agreed to take Meatball in! The blocky-headed pibble quickly won the hearts of volunteers, but day after day, potential adopters passed him by.

Image c/o Tails and Scales Animal Rescue

At first glance, Meatball may not look all that special – just another abandoned, forgotten pit bull-type dog – something there is no shortage of in California. He doesn’t have extraordinary markings or special abilities. What Meaty does have is a heart full of love and no one to share it with.

He adores his pals at Tails and Scales, but this handsome fella is ready to experience a real, stable forever home.

Image c/o Tails and Scales Animal Rescue

Meaty would do best in a setting without children or other pets. He has nothing against dogs or kids, in fact he quite likes them. The problem is, he has a tendency to accidentally bulldoze tiny humans and smaller dogs during play. He certainly doesn’t mean anything by it, he simply doesn’t realize he’s built like a tiny tank.

Cats are another story. Despite all evidence to the contrary, Meatball is convinced they are fluffy fetch toys.

Image c/o Tails and Scales Animal Rescue

Just like any pooch, Meaty has his flaws, but he more than makes up for them with loyalty and an earnest desire to please. At just 4 or 5-years-old he would love to join an active person or couple. His favorite pastimes include splashing in kiddie pools and chasing toys, but he’s also up for car rides, hiking in the mountains, long walks on the beach, and other adventures.

Image c/o Tails and Scales Animal Rescue

Meaty has been neutered, fully vaccinated, microchipped and crate trained. The lucky human(s) who adopt him will receive nine free training sessions from Tails and Scales to help ensure a perfect fit with his new family.

Interested in adopting this lovable low-rider? Send an email to for more information, or fill out an online application here.

Photo by KHTS, c/o Tails and Scales Animal Rescue

Even if you are not Meaty’s perfect match, you can help him by sharing this post! Be sure to follow Tails and Scales on Facebook for updates on Meatball and other adoptable rescue pets.

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