October 4 is St. Francis Day, were people all over the world spend time blessing their animals. (In case you don’t know, St. Francis of Assisi is the Patron Saint for the protection of animals). I went to an Episcopal school when I was little and it was one of my favorite days because everyone was allowed to bring their pets to the ceremony. People brought everything, from ponies and snakes to birds and giant Irish wolfhounds, it was a sight to see. If you are looking of a way to bless your dog on Oct 4, here are some great ideas.
#1 – Attend a Blessing
Many places all over the world hold annual “blessings of the animals” events. For example, St. Francis Winery & Vineyards in Sonoma, CA is holding their fifteenth annual blessing this Sunday, from 2-5p.m. This free event is open to the public and benefits the Sonoma Humane Society. St. Francis Winery encourages visitors to bring their pets – from dogs, to cats, to birds, to turtles – to the winery, to be blessed. To find one near you, a simple internet sreach for “St Francis Animal Blessings” should give you plenty of options.
#2 – St. Francis ID Tag
This tag will bless your dog not just on October 4, but every day. This tag is handcrafted in the USA and comes in any color of the rainbow. Puplife.com
#3 – Light a Candle
If there are no blessing near you, spend a quiet moment and light a candle for your beloved dog – even those who have passed over the bridge. Etsy.com
#4 – Say a Prayer
There are many animal-centric prayers that are said on St. Francis Day. Take a few minutes a pray for your furry best friend. Not sure what to say? Here are some prayers written specifically for pets or animals.
#5 – Spend Some Time With Them
It’s a simple thing, but extra time is a blessing every dog appreciates. Turning off that TV, putting down the laptop and giving your dog an extra hour of love and cuddles will definitely make them feel blessed.