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Your Purchases Helped Kai Overcome His Fears, Now Let’s Help Get Him Adopted!

By: Scott H
Scott Haiduc is the Director of Publishing for iHeartDogs, iHeartCats and The Hero Company. When not working, Scott spends his time on the farm, taking care of his animals and crops.Read more
| February 16, 2018

Part of each sale through the iHeartDogs store is donated to Greater Good, which helps support various charities. Thanks to customers like you, happy endings, like the one below, are made possible. 

Do you ever wonder what makes a dog so fearful of human’s touch that they refuse everything, including food? Us too. Sadly, we may never know the answer to this question.

RAD Rescue took in a very fearful Pit Bull mix over a year ago named Kai. He arrived at the Pima Animal Care Center as a stray and went directly into the Decompression Program where they work primarily with fearful dogs. Kai is a young dog, he’s only about 2-3 years old, and that’s after being in rescue for a year.

Image Source: RAD Rescue Inc’s FB Page


“He is super friendly and happy around other dogs, but it took lots of time for him to trust humans.” – RAD Rescue

RAD placed Kai in a foster home that worked with him daily and then he underwent training with Lindsey at Kennel Comforts in Tucson, Arizona. Kai had major walls up to protect himself from the “scary” humans.’s Rescue Bank program supplied Natural Balance food rolls to our donation charity, Cody’s Friends, and RAD snagged up a few rolls to see if it would help Kai.


Image Source: RAD Rescue Inc.


Today Kai’s life is filled with continued training, positive reinforcement, and plenty of food-based rewards. The use of the Natural Balance rolls have allowed Kai to better interact with humans on a regular basis.

“He is still fearful, he still cowers at adoption events because it’s all new and scary for him, but he has come so far in the year we’ve had him.” – RAD Rescue

From a dog you could barely touch, much less leash up for a walk, to a dog that wags his tail, chases, and plays with the other dogs in the home. And YES, Kai even comes up to an open hand for chin scratches. Kai is learning how to “dog” again!


Image Source: RAD Rescue Inc’s FB Page


“RAD Rescue wants to thank Rescue Bank for ALL the donations we have received; Kai especially would like to thank you for the Natural Balance food rolls. These treats allowed Kai’s foster mom/trainer to break down some of those barriers he had up to protect himself and overcome some of his greatest fears.” – RAD Rescue

Image Source: RAD Rescue Inc’s FB Page


Kai is still searching for his perfect home through RAD Rescue. He is 50lbs, LOVES other dogs, and is obedience trained. Kai would prefer a quiet home without small dogs, cats, or kids. To learn more about how to adopt this sweet boy, visit RAD Rescue’s website.

“Rescue Bank has impacted RAD Rescue in such a positive way – allowing us to focus on the medical needs of our senior, hospice and medical pups as well as provide the day to day needs without worry of where/when will we get food. One less thing to worry about in a worrisome field.” – RAD Rescue

Image Source: RAD Rescue Inc.


RAD Rescue Inc is just one of the many groups that benefit from Greater Good’s Rescue Bank. Every time you make a purchase from the iHeartDogs shop, you’re helping fund projects just like this!

This product feeds 7 shelter dogs!

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