All dogs are individuals, so even within a breed you may have a particularly independent dog that seems to care less about what you want or you may have a dog that will go to the ends of the earth for you that happens to be a breed that normally would watch you leave with a look of indifference on his face. Still, there are some generalizations that can be made and if you are looking for a dog that will live to please you, you may want to check out one of these breeds.
#1 – Bichon Frise
This dog was bred to be a people pleaser, and it lives up to that with gusto. They are the “class clown,” always ready to put on a show to please its people, or simply provide companionship by filling a lap.

#2 – Border Collie
The quintessential working dog, the border collies wants nothing more than to work and please his owner. This temperament is one of the reasons he is such a dog partner in canine sports.

#3 – Golden Retriever
Known for being easy to train, the golden will do what his owner’s ask of him 9 out of 10 times, which is pretty good odds in the doggy training world. Golden seems to really be happy when you are happy, making them great companion dogs.

#4 – Australian Shepherd
The Aussie is another working dog that likes to please his owner, though he does not always have the focus to do so like the Border Collie. They are a happy dog, however, and will try their best to make their person happy too.

#5 – Tibetan Spaniel
As a breed that thrives on human companionship, this “little lion” is quick to want to please its people. Being smart, they learn quickly and do well in canine sports or will oblige if you just need something warm dog on your lap to make your day better.

#6 – Dalmatian
A breed that has been used for everything from dog of war and drafting, to bird dog and guardian of the horse drawn carriage, the Dalmatian seems willing to do anything that its people ask of him.

#7 – Coton De Tulear
Like many of the little lap dogs, the Coton thrives on human companionship. They are eager to please and will try very hard to do what you ask, though their bouncy personality sometimes makes it hard for them to sit still and concentrate on training.

#8 – American Eskimo Dog
The Eskie is an intelligent and friendly breed, eager to please his owners but will be wary of strangers. So, while he may listen to you, don’t expect him to want to please the mailman.

#9 – Bearded Collie
The happy-go-lucky Beardie loves to make his owner happy. Because of this, he does well in herding, obedience, agility competitions.

#10 – Azawakh
A breed you may have never heard of, the Azawakh is a fiercely loyal sighthound that shows deep affection for his family. This translates into a willing companion that adapts easily to whatever you are asking of him: obedience, agility, freestyle, lure coursing, etc. (