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See That Door? A Dog This Man Lost 8 Years Ago Is About To Walk Through It! [AMAZING]

By: Justin Palmer
Justin Palmer is a Certified Pet Food Nutrition Specialist and co-founder of Inspired by his rescued husky, Splash, he dedicated himself to learning about extending both the length and quality of her life. Splash lived and thrived until 18 years old, and now Justin is on a mission to share what he learned with other dog owners.Read more
| May 23, 2015

After losing his dog for 8 years, it seemed impossible that Joshua Edwards would ever see his dog again. Joshua’s young Rottweiler named Duke was in the yard, but when they came back to the yard, the dog was gone. Immediately after Duke went missing, Joshua was adamant in finding him. But it all seemed hopeless, and Joshua had given up on finding him.

But on May 15, 2015, Joshua got a call from a pet chip company, saying they had a dog named Duke with them and that the dog was registered under his name. Joshua couldn’t believe that after 8 years his dog was finally found! In the video below you can see Joshua waiting nervously to be reunited with his beloved dog. Watch the video and see what happens when they are finally reunited!

Awwww…I couldn’t help but cry when they finally saw each other after eight long years! They are both so happy!

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