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8 Things We Do for Human Kids but Not Always Our Dogs

| January 22, 2015

Many dog owners love their dogs as if they were human kids. Yet, we tend to overlook some basic necessities that we do with our human kids. Here are 8 things we do for them that we don’t do (or don’t do enough) for our dogs, but probably should.

#1 – Daily Teeth Brushing

Teething brushing is something many of us do not even think about for our dogs, yet we make sure our human kids do it at least twice a day. However, dental bills for dogs can be just as expensive (if not more!) and things like infections can become very serious, even fatal. This is one thing all dog owners should do more.

Image source: @torbakhopper via Flickr
Image source: @torbakhopper via Flickr

#2 – Seat Belts

Not only is it the law, but we know it keeps our kids safe. But for some reason, most of us let our dogs run wild in the car. It’s dangerous for them and for us. Looking for a good seat belt? Try the Clickit from Sleepypod, it’s been crash-tested and approved by the Center for Pet Safety.

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#3 –  Consistent Checkups

Our human kids go to the doctor at least once a year for their checkup and any vaccines they need. Yet with our dogs, many of us only take our dogs to the vet when something is visibly wrong, and we couldn’t find the answer on Google. It would actually save you money to take your dog in routinely and make sure he is up to date on his vaccines and that everything is going well. Pet insurance can also help.

Image source: @TarotheShibaInu via Flickr
Image source: @TarotheShibaInu via Flickr

#4 – Vitamins

Most of us are good about taking vitamins and/or supplements, and making sure our kids do too. But with our dogs, not so much. However, they can increase your dog’s quality of life and decrease vet bills. Ask your veterinarian what vitamins/supplements your dog should take.

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#5 – Schooling

For the vast majority, there is no question about whether our kids go to school or not – they need to learn. But a lot of dog owners do not sign up for training with their dogs. And, unfortunately, behavior issues is one of the top reasons dogs are surrendered to shelters.

Image source: @AndreaArden via Flickr
Image source: @AndreaArden via Flickr

#6 – Regular Hygiene

No one lets their kid go out in public dirty and stinky or with matted hair that looks like it hasn’t been brushed since he was born. We shouldn’t do it with our dogs either, and not just because of looks. Regular grooming (including baths and brushing) is about hygiene – it keeps your dog from getting all sorts of skin issues and it allows you a chance to spot problems (like hot spots or fleas) early.

Image source: @ChrisYoung via Flickr
Image source: @ChrisYoung via Flickr

#7 – Regular Exercise

How often do you encourage your kids to go outside and play or participate in a sport at school so they do something active? How often do you do that with your dog? Your dog should be getting just as much (if not more) exercise than your child. Best scenario – have your kid exercise the dog and wear them both out at the same time.

Image source: @KennethFreeman via Flickr
Image source: @KennethFreeman via Flickr

#8 – Teaching Manners

Most of us spend a good deal of time teaching our kids to be polite. Say please and thank you, hold doors open for people, etc. Yet we let the dog jump on everyone, beg for food, bark, and be a general nuisance. Dogs need manners too.

Image source: @MeganLynnette via Flickr
Image source: @MeganLynnette via Flickr

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