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8 Take Your Dog To Work Day Tips

| June 7, 2015

Paws up if you’re pumped for Take Your Dog to Work Day!

On June 21st, several companies that don’t usually allow pups in the office will open their doors to our fur babies! If your workplace will be participating, being prepared will allow you to make the most of the day. And who knows – if Take Your Dog to Work Day goes well, maybe your work will consider letting dogs in the door more often!

Consider these tips to have a successful, stress-free day at work:

#1 – Approval

Just showing up the day of with your pup in tow isn’t the best idea. People may love surprises, but companies rarely do! If your workplace isn’t inviting pups, be sure to ask a few days ahead if bringing yours along will be okay. Asking ahead allows time for them to consider things like allergies in the workplace, safety, and if the space is rented, whether the landlord will allow pets.

If they need a little convincing, you can tell them about these reasons Why More Workplaces Should Be Dog-Friendly!

#2 – Confinement

One of the first things you should consider is how your pup will be safely secured in the office. Things like baby gates for cubicles, tethers, and crates can ensure no pet wanders and gets lost or even wanders out of the building by accident.

#3 – Avoid Falls

A fall can cause fractures, concussions and other injuries when a pet inadvertently falls off a counter, chair, couch, etc. Small dogs should not be left unattended on desks or other furniture to avoid injury. Plan to keep your dog somewhere safe on the ground. If you have a chewer, be sure to keep wires away from where your doggy can get to them.

#4 – Health

All the dogs coming to the office should be vaccinated, so they don’t spread disease. Do your part by making sure your pup is current on DDHP, Rabies, and Bordetella, and on a flea preventative. If your dog is sick, they need to stay home – but there’s always next year!

#5 – Friendly

All dogs attending the workplace should be friendly to other people and dogs. Even if you’re excited to have your pup in the office, a dog who is anxious around others will probably not enjoy the experience anyway, and will have a stressful day at work. Should he snap at someone else or their pet, it could ruin pups in the office for future dates, so it’s best to leave a nervous dog at home for their own comfort and the safety of everyone. Even if you don’t plan for the dogs to meet, if the unexpected happens and dogs get loose, you don’t want to have to worry about accidents.

#6 – Clean-Ups

For the ease of everyone, it’s best to only allow house-trained pets to come to the office. Even then, accidents happen. Even if your dog hasn’t had an accident since puppyhood, you should come prepared to clean up a puddle or pile.

#7 – Pet Rules & Etiquette

This is to make sure the day goes smoothly and that everyone (even those without pets) has fun and wants to do it again next year… or even next week! Check out this post on Canine Office Etiquette to make sure your pup is as well-behaved as possible!

#8 – Make Time For Your Pup

Just because you’re on the clock doesn’t mean that potty-breaks and playtime can wait. Be sure to take a few short breaks to stretch your pup’s legs, make sure he has clean water, and gets a chance to get some fresh air and do his business! Bring toys so he can entertain himself while you’re busy and be sure to give him love from time to time!


Featured Photo: @woodruffphoto/Instagram

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