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3 Tips To Getting Your Yorkie To Come When Called

| December 10, 2016

Often little dogs don’t get the training larger dogs do because people feel they don’t “need” it. But training is good for your Yorkshire Terrier’s brain and will help tire them out just as much as exercising does. More than that, some training can even save your dog’s life. A solid recall is important for every Yorkie to have – it can prevent from running toward traffic or too close to a swimming pool. It can also save you a lot of frustration at the dog park or even in your own house. So stop chasing your Yorkie and try these 3 tips to getting your him to come when called.


#1 – Don’t Call Your Yorkie For Something He Hates

Dogs learn by association. This means that if you call your Yorkie to you every time you need to do something he hates, such as a bath or nail trim, he will associate coming when called with negative things and not want to come to you. To not ruin your “come” cue, it’s better to go get your Yorkie in these instances. And definitely never call him to then turn around and punish him.



#2 – Get Low & Act Excited

You are a big person compared to your little Yorkie. Sometimes, getting low and acting excited can make your dog more likely to come to you. If he doesn’t immediately come running after you have said your cue, try crouching down with arms open and a relaxed, happy face. Most dogs will be much more likely to come to a person in this position than one who is standing up straight in a “serious” posture.

Image Source: Kesha Phillips Via Flickr
Image Source: Kesha Phillips Via Flickr

#3 – Disappear

No matter how independent your Yorkie seems, she really does want you around. If she didn’t respond to that “come” cue, find a place to hide. Behind a bush or a tree, or inside the house—anywhere your dog can’t see you works. Chances are, as soon as she realizes she can’t see you, she will look for you. When your Yorkie finds you, remember to praise her and be happy!

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