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3 Tips To Getting Your Golden Retriever To Come When Called

| December 29, 2016

Just because Golden Retrievers are bred to bring things back to you doesn’t mean they come pre-wired with a fail-safe recall. In fact, their desire to run and explore can make them one of the worst at coming when you want them. It’s not that they don’t like you or mean to disobey, but there is just so much to see and do! Many Goldens love to follow scents, greet dogs or people, and of course, chase birds. If you are struggling with this, try these 3 tips to getting your Golden Retriever to come when called.


#1 – Don’t Call Your Golden Retriever For Something He Hates

This is the number one mistake dog owners make when it comes to teaching their dog to “come.” This is because dogs learn by association. So if you call your Golden to you every time you need to do something he hates, such as a bath, he will associate coming when called with negative things and not want to come to you. To not ruin your cue, it’s better to go get your Golden Retriever in these instances – and definitely never call him to punish him.

#2 – Get Low & Act Excited

When you were young and your parents yelled your full name, did you come running or did you balk, knowing punishment was coming? Most likely the latter. No person or dog wants to come to someone who looks mad or stern. But, if you crouch down with a relaxed, happy face, and say something in an excited voice, your Golden will think you are having a party and want to join in on the fun! Usually, this results in a sprint back to you. When he does come back, be sure you give him that party with lots of praise and treats!

#3 – Disappear

You know your Golden loves you, even more than those other dogs or ducks, so use this to your advantage when teaching “come.” If she didn’t respond to that “come” cue, find a place to hide. Behind a bush, a tree, inside the house—anywhere your dog can’t see you works. Chances are, as soon as she realizes she can’t see you, she will look for you. When your Golden finds you, remember to praise her and be happy!

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