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20 Silly Laws About Dogs

| October 9, 2017

The world has changed a lot in the last hundred years. Usually, laws are updated to reflect current living conditions, but sometimes nobody notices silly laws that don’t make a lot of sense in today’s world. Of course, some places like to make mountains out of molehills, so some of these laws may be more recent. We found these on the internet and not a law library, so it’s hard to say how current or misunderstood these laws may be. With that being said, here are 20 crazy laws about dogs you never knew existed!

#1 – It’s illegal to give a dog whiskey in Chicago, IL. There’s no law against other forms of alcohol, but vets recommend against sharing a beer with your dog.

#2 – Dogs are forbidden from barking after 6 pm in Little Rock, AR. But how early in the morning can they start?

#3 – Educating dogs is illegal in Hartford, CT. Does obedience training count, or does the law only refer to “formal” education?

#4 – Dogs aren’t allowed to molest cars in Ft. Thomas, KY. They’re still allowed to hump your leg, though.

#5 – Dogs with tattoos must be reported to the police in Connecticut. You can still get a “neutered” tattoo to match your dog’s.

#6 – Police officers may bite dogs to quiet them in Palding, OH, as long as it’s in the line of duty. Oh, but the dogs can’t bite the cops?

#7 – Dogcatchers must notify dogs they’re about to be impounded by posting a notice on a tree in the city park and along a public road running through the park for 3 consecutive days in Denver, CO. Yes, dogs in Colorado are smart enough to read.

#8 – It’s against the law for dogs and cats to fight each other in Barber, NC. That’s probably a good thing.

#9 – People who make ugly faces at dogs in Oklahoma can be fined or jailed. What if you already have an ugly face?

#10 – It’s illegal to tie a dog to the roof of your car in Anchorage, AK. We actually support this law – who tried that?!

#11 – “No dog shall be in a public place without its master on a leash” in Belvedere, CA. Yes, that is how the law was written.

#12 – Smelly dogs are illegal in Galesburg, IL. Just another reason grooming your dog is an important part of your responsibility for them!

#13 – Dogs need a permit signed by the mayor to congregate in groups of 3 or more on private property in Oklahoma. Guess you’d better leave your dogs at home next time you go to your neighbor’s barbecue.

#14 – Dogs are forbidden to “worry” squirrels in the public park next to the capital in Madison, WI. Squirrels seem pretty worried about life in general.

#15 – French Poodles are forbidden from attending the opera in Chicago, IL. Are Pugs allowed at plays?

#16 – It’s illegal to give lighted cigars to dogs in Zion, IL. Who’s giving cigars to dogs?

#17 – It’s against the law for couples to make out, or even hold hands, while walking a dog on a leash in New Castle, DE. To be fair, it can be hard to watch where you’re going while you’re making out with somebody.

#18 – Dogs aren’t allowed to bark or howl between 8 pm and 6 am in Collingswood, NJ. The people of Collingswood won’t tolerate having their sleep interrupted!

#19 – You’re not allowed to give alcohol or tobacco to any animals (including your own dog) in public parks in Tuscaloosa, AL. You really shouldn’t be giving those things to dogs anyway.

#20 – It’s illegal for a dog to bark longer than 15 minutes in Northbrook, IL. They must keep dog trainers busy working with dogs who have separation anxiety!

(H/T: PetCentric, Rover, BarkPost)

(Featured Photo: creath_cultivar/Instagram)

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