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15 Tips To Prevent Dog Bites From Happening

| June 6, 2015


The most recent study conducted by the Center For Disease and Control (CDC), says there were roughly 4.5 million dog bite victims in America per year. That is an alarming number, but luckily there are careful tips that can be implemented to change that statistic. Here are our 15 tips to help prevent dog bites. (

#1 – Don’t Approach Strange Dogs

A loose dog may be scared, sick, injured or just not friendly. If you do not have experience with that type of dog, it is best to call your local rescue group and tell them where you spotted the dog, rather than trying to catch him yourself.

Image source: @BradleyNewman via Flickr
Image source: @BradleyNewman via Flickr

#2 – Ask Before Petting

Never pet someone else’s dog without asking first. And if they say no, respect their answer and leave it at that.

Image source: @TonyAlter via Flickr
Image source: @TonyAlter via Flickr

#3 – Even After You Ask, Use Judgement

If the owner tells you it’s fine, but the dog looks scared, nervous or is showing signs it does not want you to pet it, don’t.

Image source: Dr. Sophia Yin
Image source: Dr. Sophia Yin

#4 – Don’t Take Anything Away From a Dog

This a valuable lesson to teach children. Don’t try to take a toy, treat, food bowl, shoe, etc., from a dog. It can easily end in a bite. Instead, teach the dog to drop or just leave him alone until he has dropped it himself.

Image source: @gadgetdude via Flickr
Image source: @gadgetdude via Flickr

#5 – Don’t Leave Children Unsupervised With a Dog

It doesn’t matter how safe and trusted the dog is – things happen. The child might get too rough with the dog, or accidentally hurt him (stepping on a tail, for example) and the dog might bite.

Image source: @USFWmidwest via Flickr
Image source: @USFWmidwest via Flickr

#6 – Learn About Dog Body Language

There are over 86 million dogs in homes across America – you and your children are going to encounter them, even if you don’t have a dog yourself. Learning how to read dog body language can prevent a lot of bites. Dr. Sopia Yin’s poster is a great educational tool.


Image source: @NathanLaurell via Flickr
Image source: @NathanLaurell via Flickr

#7 – Never Pet a Dog on the Head

A lot of dogs don’t like this and it’s putting your hand in prime biting position.

Image source: @LindaPaul via Flickr
Image source: @LindaPaul via Flickr

#8 – Don’t Put Your Face Near the Dog’s Face

Like petting the head, kneeling or bending down right in the dog’s face can lead to a nasty bite. If you are going to get down near the dog, stay to the side and keep your face away from theirs. Remember, dog’s can jump and bite out of excitement, not just fear or aggression.

Image source: @TomRose via Flickr
Image source: @TomRose via Flickr

#9 – Don’t Stare into a Dog’s Eyes

Staring is a threat in the dog world – staring into some dog’s eyes can make them uncomfortable to the point where they will lunge and bite. It’s best to just not do it.

Image source: @DebraDrummond via Flickr
Image source: @DebraDrummond via Flickr

#10 – Train Your Dog

If you own a dog – he is your responsibility. Teaching him bite inhibition, sit to greet, and cue likes leave it and drop so that you can safely get items away from him will help prevent bites.

Image source: @Marjolien via Flickr
Image source: @Marjolien via Flickr

#11 – Let Sleeping Dogs Lie and Eating Dogs Eat

These are two situations that frequently result in bites – someone startles a dog awake and they bite out of instinct, or the dog is a resource guarder and bites when the person interrupts their eating. Children especially should be told not to bother a dog during these times.

Image source: @PedroPauloBoaventura via Flickr
Image source: @PedroPauloBoaventura via Flickr

#12 – Carry SprayShield

SprayShield is a humane way of stopping a loose dog or a dog that become aggressive and is coming toward you. It’s a handy thing to keep around the house to take on walks with you.

Image source:
Image source:

#13 – Don’t Hug a Dog

Most humans love hugs, but not all of them. Dogs are the same way – some dogs tolerate a hug, some don’t. It’s best to not hug a dog, which puts your face right by theirs and possibly in danger if they aren’t in the mood to be hugged.

Image source: @Ky via Flickr
Image source: @Ky via Flickr

#14 – If You Fall, Curl Up

This is good advice for adults and children. If you find yourself on the ground with an aggressive dog, curl up into a ball with your knees in your stomach and your fingers laced over your neck and ears. (

Image source: @ElTuercas via Flickr
Image source: @ElTuercas via Flickr

#15 – Let the Dog Approach You At Their Pace

This is the best thing you can do when greeting a new dog. Let him come to you, at this one pace. Don’t stick your fingers in front of his face for him to smell, he may bite them. Besides, the dog can smell you just fine without your hand in his face.

Image source: @TaroTheShibaInu via Flickr
Image source: @TaroTheShibaInu via Flickr

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