We call them our fur kids and for good reason – they have a lot in common with two-legged children. In fact, if you have dogs thinking you are avoiding the struggles (and joys!) of parenting, think again! Here are 15 things parents and dog owners have in common.
#1 – Cleaning up poop
Whether it’s a dirty diaper or a doggy bag, both types of parents are all too familiar with this chore. Parents of two-legged kids have an edge though, they only have to do it for a few years, until the kid is potty trained.
#2 – Waking up to a sick child
No one wants to be woken up at 3am to the sounds of a sick child. Whether it’s the dog heaving on the bed (why do they always jump on the bed to vomit?) Or your child who just threw up all over the hallway floor, it’s no fun.
#3 – Getting stopped by everyone to see the baby
A new baby gets about the same amount of attention as a puppy. Forget a walk, you will spend most of your time telling complete strangers all about your bundle of joy.
#4 – Crying all night
Another sleepless night? A puppy learning to like his crate or a colicky child, both types of parents find themselves getting little sleep those first few months.
#5 – The “is it a boy or a girl?” question you have to answer hundreds of times
Doesn’t matter if you have a giant pink flower around your bald baby’s head, or a blue harness on your poodle – it’s the one question every parent gets tired of answering.
#6 – The proud moment when your baby learns something new
Whether it’s a kid learning to walk or a puppy that just learned to sit – you can’t wait to share the video on social media, with your coworkers and the strangers on the bus.
#7 –Cleaning up messes
Crayons on the wall, chewed shoes, thrown food, shredded newspapers – regardless of the species, children make messes that parents have to pick up.
#8 – Using your own sick days to take care of your child
A vet appointment on a Wednesday, the orthodontist on a Monday, the flu on Friday – you aren’t allowed to get sick because you have used all your sick days (and maybe even some vacation days!), taking care of your kids (two- or four-legged).
#9 – The feeling of love when they look at you
It’s been scientifically proven that our brains spikes the same hormone when looking at a beloved dog or a baby. There is nothing quite like that feeling.
#10 – Worrying when they aren’t with you
Maybe it’s a kid’s first summer camp or your first vacation leaving the dog behind. Either way, you are going to worry the whole time.
#11 – You spend more money on them than on yourself
You stopped dying your hair, do home manicures and forget about designer clothing. Yet your dog has a $80 collar and $200 car seat. Or, your teenager has the latest fashions and dyes her hair every week to stay on trend. It’s just what you do.
#12 –You can’t remember what a clean car looks like
Yours may smell like a wet dog and be covered in fur, or maybe it has crackers ground into the seats, juice boxes on the floor and mud everywhere from the latest soccer practice. You don’t mind, each bit of mess is a memory.
#13 –Even the worst day is made better with a play session
You may have had a bad day at work, but being able to come home and play with your child – two- or four-legged – makes it all better.
#14 – Spending all your money on your growing kid’s needs
Nothing grows quicker than a child, except a puppy. You know what it’s like to spend your entire paycheck on new shoes and clothes because your kid seems to grow an inch a week, or a new collar, kennel, and dog bed because your dog really is growing at least an inch a week.
#15 – Staying home because you can’t find a sitter
While dog owners can more easily leave the pup at home than a baby, many pet parents know the feeling of “sorry I can’t go because I have no one to watch the dog.” Just like many parents turn down nights out because they can’t find a sitter.